“Everything was beautifully done. I did feel that with many of the meetings that I had with new supplier, they didn’t seem to be very knowledgeable about my model of business. I could take some of the blame that I possibly didn’t list clearly who XXXX was and what we offer in our model. But some time in each meeting was spent explaining who we are and what we do. I’m not a vendor, but if I was, I would have potentially done as much research as I could have done on the gym owners that I was scheduled to meet with. Just a thought. Thank you.”
This is a comment from a first-time club owner. It speaks for itself.
- READ the pre-event, informational emails and familiarize yourself with the schedule.
- Do your homework-When you receive the guest profiles, be thorough in your due diligence. Go beyond what’s on the profile. Ask fellow members for information or an introduction prior to or at the event.
- Prioritize your appointments BEFORE “appointment day.”
- At some point after arrival, briefly walk the resort for a few minutes to learn where things are located and where our activities will be held, so you appear informed and capable of directing a guest.
- Choose business casual attire, something suitable for conducting business.
- Be Present-That means be on time to each event and each appointment and participate in the educational sessions. When it fits, use what you heard as a lead-in during appointments.
- Focus on your guests, not on incoming e-mails and other distractions such as outside conference calls. Set the expectation with your home offices or contacts that you’re at an event that requires your full attention.
- Participate in meal functions and be respectful of fellow suppliers and guests. Avoid negotiations during meal functions.
- Participate in the group activities. This is a great opportunity to get to know a guest in a more relaxed way and to build rapport. In other words, when “they” are “here,” why are YOU in your hotel room?
- Make eye contact during introductions and appointments.
Visit our event pages for FISA EAST, FISA WEST, and ‘FITNESS BUSINESS & PROGRAMMING FOR YMCAs’ to learn more.